Hero's Journey Masterclass

Get the secret to predictive tarot… where you can confidently predict the next step for yourself and others! If I only worked this out in the early days, I wouldn’t have held myself back from reading for others.

No one will teach you this… I worked it out after years of doing tarot, it was a light bulb moment, a tower moment happened, a lightening bolt of insight, where I discovered one of the major missing pieces to reading tarot with accuracy.

You definitely do not have to grasp at anything nebulous, hoping to god you got it right.

Your intuition will be heightened once you understand this concept!

Move beyond fortune telling in the art of Tarot Psychology where you learn how to do predictive tarot with precision!

You will up-level your skills in tarot from novice to practitioner level instantly after completing this masterclass.

Stop pulling predictions out of thin air, playing guessing games, it’s stressful for you and it is stealing away your confidence and joy in reading for others.

I have the solution for you.

And it’s so rich and abundant, you will be so glad you attended this masterclass!

🍯If you want to be taken seriously in tarot, plus STAND OUT, then you need to learn how to read the TRUMP cards of the tarot properly, know the journey of the fool, understand the psychological challenges and growth zones, to confidently and professionally make accurate predictions, that keep your new and regular clients feeling supported and understood, coming back for more!

On this enlightening journey we will take a trip through major arcana learning about:·

➡️ The journey of the FOOL and his relationship to other cards·

➡️ The psychological journey of the trumps cards·

➡️ The chronological journey of the trump cards·

➡️ The easy method of making accurate predictions, that you can’t get wrong.·

➡️ Learn how to do your own accurate trump card readings for yourself and others·

➡️ Discover the lessons of the major arcana and how to REMEMBER all the trump cards

If you’re a tarot enthusiast, you won’t want to miss this class.

This masterclass is the session that gets all my tarot therapy graduates excited, feeling confident and falling in love with tarot

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